WIN Extended Ad Packs
3 Months To 1 Year
Wealth Information Network
WIN Monthly Ad Pack
$39.95 Monthly
WIN Monthly Ad Pack
$39.95 Monthly
When you purchase a WIN Network Ad Pack we will place a Store in the CO-OP Shopping Center displaying your Product or Program* With A Link leading to your website or sign up page. Then the WIN reward program will drive traffic to your CO-OP store and provide you with each potential customers name and email so you can follow up with more information!
* This program is not for advertising your position in The CO-OP but for other programs or products you may be involved with. To advertise your position in The CO-OP please join the Hands-Free Advertising or Owner programs.
It's like having a store in the center of a Mega Shopping Center promoting your products and or programs!
Anyone who takes a look at your personal site will fill out a form with their email and name to enter a monthly contest. That info will be sent to your inbox so you can follow up with more information about your program or product.